How It All Got Started

How It All Got Started

So this whole idea of being a "Rascal" is beyond intriguing to me...

I come by it naturally. My father was a definitely a Rascal, as I've come to define the term, and had you known him, you'd readily agree -- my definition of Rascal fit him to a T.

I tuned in to a weekly Rascal Podcast that launched with an original episode exploring a specific definition for the term "rascal."

NOTE: The type of rascal we're talking about here is not symbolic "of every nut-job on the planet!"

Here's the definition of a rascal as described in this podcast...

"A rebel with a cause; a rebel that is stepping out from the crowd, not blindly following the masses, but living true to her/his own convictions, and having the courage to become an original character."

<iframe src="" width="240" height="426" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; fullscreen; picture-in-picture; clipboard-write" title="Rascal on the Bike (Copy)"></iframe>

It's this idea of being an original character, not following the masses, but living true to one's own convictions, that resonates most with me.

So after a very eclectic career of military service, working in industry, teaching kids how to program, and retiring (sort of), I've launched a business.

A couple years before retiring, I decided I needed to retire to something.

As much as I looked forward to golfing more, backpacking more, traveling more, more family time...

I knew at some level that there also had to be more purpose to life beyond just leisure living.

What I wanted was to be able to take my computer and Internet connection anywhere in the world, work for an hour or two on my "business" each day, and then for the rest of the day be totally awestruck by the culture, people, and scenic wonder of wherever I was in the world.

So the "business" I was retiring to, besides being mobile, had to be three things:

  1. It had to be fun - it had to be something I could be good at and thoroughly enjoy.
  2. It had to be profitable - it had to make money - that's the end game for any "business."
  3.  It had to be a difference maker - it had to empower my clients, customers, and business partners to achieve the lifestyle they've always wanted.

Now, after 5+ years of PDCA (plan, do, check, adjust) since that decision to retire to something, I've discovered what I've been called to do during this season of "retirement."

I've re-launched CMA, and I'm "a rascal on a mission" to help baby-boomers sustain their active lifestyles by focusing on their mental fitness so they can enhance and maintain their physical fitness!

It is being an amazing journey!

And from time to time I'll share some of it with you in this blog...

Stay tuned. ;-)

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